This project aims to deconstruct the archetypal representations of the countryside by including marginalised ruralities, thus proposing alternative scenarios of inhabiting this space.
The “western” urban perspective of the countryside is essentially forged by a tradition of painted depictions, some of the most emblematic being American Gothic by Wood Grant, or Springtime by Claude Monet. In these cases, the countryside is a space defined by the archetypal Mr. and Mrs. Farmer, a white couple, a tractor, a tree, a cow... etc. Yet if we step into the frame, we realise the presence of queer communities, black communities, young people, the crucial role of women in the farming businesses...etc.
Through this project, I use both the archetypal elements of the western countryside and the marginalized populations; I extract them from their respective contexts, manipulate them, replace them, confront them... and make a series of collages, as well as a videogame-like space, in the viewer/player can choose what the countryside may look like from his/her/their perspective.